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Despre agenti sovietici si post-sovietici. Larry Watts si schreib-kampful lui Tismaneanu

Sa recapitulam: un specialist american in intelligence publica prima parte a unei carti-monument in care deconspira agenti sovieticii pe banda si demanteleaza mecanismele KGB si GRU anti-Romania de dinainte de caderea lui Ceausescu, pregatind terenul stiintific pentru perioada ante-’89 si cea post-sovietica. Singurii care il ataca din intreaga Romanie sunt Tismaneanu si scribii GDS. Mai e nevoie de vreo explicatie?

CIA desecretizeaza Razboiul Rece. Noi documente puse pe masa istoricilor din arhivele Ronald Reagan – William Casey

“Intelligence is about creating and adjusting stories; questions not asked or stories not imagined by policy are not likely to be developed by intelligence. Perfect accuracy should not be expected from intelligence when oftentimes policymaker focus is not in the right place and the right questions are not asked.”