Strategia Budapestei pentru preluarea controlului unor zone ale Romaniei. Un Raport valabil si azi. Budapest’ strategy for taking under control several areas of Romania | Ziaristi Online

Strategia Budapestei pentru preluarea controlului unor zone ale Romaniei. Un Raport valabil si azi. Budapest’ strategy for taking under control several areas of Romania

Un Raport “pierdut” valabil si azi: Strategia Budapestei si instrumentele sale in preluarea controlului unor zone ale Romaniei

Evolutiile din ultima perioada confirma in mare parte utilizarea minoritatii maghiare din Romania ca masa de manevra in atingerea scopurilor Budapestei si a noi generatii de “grofi “ din Romania.

„Oficiul pentru maghiarii din afara granitelor”(HTMH) coordoneaza, printr-un sistem specific de mijloace si metode, activitatea tuturor O.N.G.- urilor specializate in problematica maghiarilor din afara granitelor in frunte cu „Uniunea Mondiala a Ungurilor” (UMU), precum si activitatea unor organizatii si fundatii („Pro-minoritate”, „Pro-profesione”, „Illyes Gyula”, „Teleki Laszlo”, „Duna-TV” etc.).
Oficiul initiaza in prezent in Transilvania actiuni de propaganda constand in prezentarea intr-o forma noua, acceptabila pentru Occident, a revendicarilor minoritatii maghiare, context in care autonomia si autoguvernarea pe criterii etnice sunt considerate „o varianta a descentralizarii administrative locale, specifica Bazinului Carpatic”, iar demersurile cu caracter separatist in domeniul invatamantului drept „forme ale bilingvismului practicat in tarile democratice”.
Structurile create de Oficiu in zonele din tarile vecine in care exista comunitati compacte de etnici maghiari sunt interconectate la un sistem computerizat de informare pe linie economica si mass-media, compatibil cu cel din Ungaria, urmarindu-se si in acest domeniu, refacerea legaturilor dintre toate regiunile care au apartinut „Ungariei Mari”.
Noile evolutii inregistrate in raporturile romano-ungare, plasate si in contextul integrarii Ungariei in NATO si UE, au impus din partea oficialitatilor de la Budapesta o reevaluare a mijloacelor si metodelor folosite pentru atingerea standardelor europene in domeniul relatiilor cu tarile vecine si al responsabilitatii asumate fata de comunitatile maghiare aflate in afara granitelor nationale.
Astfel, in ultima perioada s-a semnalat intensificarea de catre HTMH a procesului de transferare a sarcinilor cu caracter neorevizionist catre organismele neguvernamentale din Ungaria si grupari ale emigratiei maghiare din Occident.
In acest context, s-a inregistrat o dezvoltare a rolului si sarcinilor ce revin Oficiului, ramas singurul organ coordonator al activitatilor de aplicare a strategiei neorevizioniste ungare fata de tarile vecine, fapt ce a creat o serie de disensiuni si nemultumiri in randul conducatorilor „Uniunii Mondiale a Ungurilor” (UMU) care si-au vazut astfel stirbite unele dintre cele mai importante prerogative (inclusiv reducerea substantiala a alocatiilor bugetare si reorientarea acestora spre Oficiu).
De asemenea, noua conjunctura internationala, a impus Budapestei regandirea obiectivelor sale, in conformitate cu exigentele organismelor europene si euroatlantice, sens in care s-a hotarat ca structurile create si care asigurau „de facto” o reala autonomie in diferite domenii (invatamant, administratie locala, religie etc.) sa fie folosite, in continuare, cu prioritate, pentru crearea cadrului de integrare economica treptata a Transilvaniei in Ungaria.
In fapt, se urmareste sprijinirea cresterii fortei economice a maghiarilor din zona si folosirea acestor parghii in directia sustinerii politicii de realizare a sistemelor de autonomie, in special a autonomiei teritoriale pe criterii etnice, care sa creeze premisele acapararii puterii economice si apoi politice pe plan local.
Programul elaborat de statul ungar este pus in aplicare prin intermediul organismelor guvernamentale si neguvernamentale, cat si prin angrenarea unor societati comerciale sau banci cu capital de stat sau privat. Dintre organismele guvernamentale implicate direct in derularea actiunilor de subordonare economica a Transilvaniei, coordonate de „Oficiului pentru maghiarii din afara granitelor” se remarca Ministerul Industriei, Comertului si Turismului, Ministerul Agriculturii, Ministerul Protectiei Mediului si Dezvoltarii Regionale, Ministerul Transporturilor, Telecomunicatiilor si Gospodaririi Apelor, Ministerul Finantelor si institutia ministrului fara portofoliu cu sarcini in domeniul privatizarii.
Oficiul isi aplica strategia economica fata de Transilvania si prin asa-zisele organisme neguvernamentale, aflate in subordinea sa, roluri principale in acest sens detinand Fundatiile „Noi strangeri de mana”, „Illyes Gyula”, Societatea „Kooperatio KFT” si Fondul de investitii „Corvinus”.

Principalele organizatii neguvernamentale coordonate de Oficiu

„Uniunea Mondiala a Ungurilor” (U.M.U.)

Principala organizatie neguvernamentala a maghiarilor din intreaga lume este Uniunea Mondiala a Ungurilor (UMU).
Organizatia dispune de structuri institutionalizate permanente (Oficiul UMU, Biroul de organizare a intalnirilor mondiale ale maghiarilor, „Conferinta pentru limba materna”, Academia „Szent László”, Fundatia „Serviciul caritativ ungar”, „Societatea pentru mass-media maghiara din afara patriei” etc.), personalul angajat fiind format din 65 de functionari platiti din alocatii bugetare anuale. Acestia controleaza, practic, activitatea majoritatii organismelor neguvernamentale din Ungaria, emigratia maghiara si Bazinul Carpatic ce au ca obiect de activitate problematica maghiarimii.
La sfarsitul anului 1995, numarul membrilor UMU depasise cifra de un milion, reprezentand circa 1500 de organizatii si filiale din 52 de tari, intre acestia aflandu-se si peste 5000 de „membri protectori”, printre care trei laureati ai premiului Nobel (Teller Ede, George Olah si József Harsanyi).
Principalele obiective ale UMU se refera la „intensificarea actiunilor vizand revizuirea tratatelor de pace de la Trianon si Paris, obtinerea autonomiei teritoriale pentru maghiarii din tarile vecine si refacerea Ungariei Mari”.
Organizatiile afiliate la UMU (Uniunea „Baross Gabor”, „Alianta pentru apararea intereselor maghiare”, Asociatia „Bócskai Istvan”, Societatea „Trianon”, Filiala din Transilvania a „Uniunii Mondiale a tinerilor maghiari”, „Uniunea Mondiala a oamenilor de afaceri maghiari” etc.) si-au intensificat actiunile de contestare a documentelor internationale care au stabilit actualele granite, promovand tezele istoriografiei maghiare prin intermediul publicatiilor „Vilaglap”, „Magyar Figyelo”, „Erdelyi Magyarsag”, al postului de televiziune prin satelit „Duna”, precum si prin puternicul lobby pro-maghiar care activeaza in Occident.
In actuala conjunctura politica internationala, sarcina fundamentala a UMU, dezvaluita recent de presedintele acesteia, este de „a urmari pregatirea din punct de vedere psihic a maghiarilor din zonele care au apartinut Coroanei Sfantului Stefan pentru reintegrarea in granitele Ungariei Milenare”.
Desi se declara organizatie neguvernamentala independenta, la solicitarea executivului de la Budapesta, UMU a elaborat o noua strategie, menita sa asigure refacerea „Ungariei Mari” din punct de vedere economic, un rol determinant in atingerea acestui obiectiv revenind „Parlamentului natiunii strabune”, constituit la Budapesta in iunie 1996, cu sprijinul „Uniunii Mondiale a Oamenilor de Afaceri Maghiari”, a carei conducere declara: „colaborarea economica poate si trebuie sa devina, in perspectiva integrarii europene, un instrument de refacere a unitatii natiunii ungare, prin restabilirea vechilor relatii comerciale din zona Bazinului Carpatic”.
De asemenea, executivul de la Budapesta se implica direct in coordonarea si controlul activitatilor initiate de UMU, inclusiv prin actiuni specifice serviciilor de informatii si folosirea parghiilor financiare.
Pentru a-si asigura controlul asupra unor filiale si organizatii partenere, membri din conducerea UMU au fost impusi ca lideri ai acestora pentru a promova mai eficient strategia Budapestei in domeniul minoritatilor maghiare din afara granitelor.
Impreuna cu „Oficiul pentru maghiarii din afara granitelor”, UMU coordoneaza activitatile tuturor organismelor neguvernamentale, asigurandu-si subordonarea lor prin gestionarea stricta a fondurilor financiare si a sprijinului logistic necesar.
Folosind caracterul permisiv al legislatiei romane, in colaborare cu structurile organizatorice ale maghiarilor din Romania, UMU si-a infiintat in Transilvania zeci de filiale si a incurajat aderarea la Uniune a numeroase organisme reprezentative ale maghiarilor, inclusiv politico-organizatorice, facilitandu-se astfel desavarsirea procesului de subordonare a acestora si directionare a activitatii lor.
Pentru coordonarea actiunilor desfasurate de UMU pe plan international, in cadrul acesteia a fost creat „Biroul pentru relatii externe”, prin intermediul caruia sunt exploatate posibilitatile lobby-urilor pro-ungare din America si Europa.

Fundatia „Illyes Gyula”

A fost infiintata in anul 1990, la Budapesta, si are ca scop „sprijinirea telurilor de edificare sociala a comunitatilor maghiare din tarile vecine”.
La 14.09.1994, fundatia si-a constituit la Cluj-Napoca „Subcuratoriul Maghiar din Romania”, in cadrul caruia functioneaza sapte comisii de specialitate conduse de experti in diferite domenii economice.
Actiunile de sprijinire logistica si financiara a maghiarimii transilvanene desfasurate de Fundatia „Illyes Gyula”, se deruleaza in conditii de „deplina confidentialitate” si in sedii dotate cu instalatii de detectare a aparaturii de emisie-receptie.
Uniunea internationala a intreprinzatorilor maghiari
A fost constituita in anul 1992 la Budapesta, in contextul planului strategic de integrare economica a zonelor cu populatie maghiara din tarile limitrofe, pentru sprijinirea exclusiva a patronilor de aceasta etnie din Europa Centrala si de Est si functioneaza sub coordonarea „Uniunii Mondiale a Ungurilor”.
Scopul acestei organizatii consta in crearea unei infrastructuri economice, paralela cu cea statala, prin infiintarea de „cluburi, asociatii si forumuri ale oamenilor de afaceri maghiari”, in principalele orase din Transilvania.

„Uniunea mondiala a inginerilor si constructorilor maghiari”

Are sediul la Budapesta si functioneaza sub patronajul U.M.U.
In anul 1990 si-a infiintat o filiala la Cluj-Napoca cu denumirea „Societatea maghiara tehnico-stiintifica din Transilvania”, avand ca scop „constituirea unei baze de date in vederea realizarii legaturii dintre asociatiile profesionale maghiare”.

„Asociatia maghiara de economie”

Constituita la Budapesta in anul 1990, isi desfasoara activitatea sub coordonarea „Uniunii Mondiale a Ungurilor” si „Oficiului pentru maghiarii din afara granitelor” si are ca obiectiv principal formarea viitorilor specialisti maghiari in domeniul economiei, culegerea de date si efectuarea de studii de specialitate in zonele cu populatie de aceasta etnie, identificarea ramurilor, sectoarelor si, in final, a societatilor comerciale care pot fi „articulate economiei ungare”.
In anul 1990 a infiintat o filiala la Cluj-Napoca, respectiv „Asociatia economistilor maghiari din Romania”.

„Uniunea nationala a cercurilor gospodarilor maghiari”

A fost infiintata la Budapesta in anul 1990 si are ca scop „dezvoltarea, inclusiv cu sprijin financiar occidental, a sectorului agrar din Transilvania prin impunerea structurilor organizatorice agrare ungare si adaptarea invatamantului agricol la modelele maghiare traditionale”.
Dispune de o filiala la Cluj-Napoca: „Asociatia gospodarilor maghiari din Romania”, care la randul ei, are filiale in majoritatea localitatilor din Transilvania.

Fundatia „Noi strangeri de mana” (Uj Kezfogas)

A fost infiintata in luna aprilie 1995 la Budapesta, urmareste finantarea activitatilor comerciale ale firmelor si intreprinzatorilor de etnie maghiara din Transilvania, dezvoltarea unui sistem de colaborare economica intre intreprinderile mici si mijlocii din zonele de frontiera, organizarea de targuri, expozitii, reuniuni ale specialistilor si finantarea unei banci de date pe profil economic-bancar.
Fundatia acorda sprijin nerambursabil in valoare de pana la 500.000 dolari pentru achizitionarea de utilaje, imobile, active sau mijloace fixe si credite de pana la 1.250.000 dolari pentru constituirea de societati mixte cu caracter etnic, respectiv „ungaro-maghiare”.
In ultima perioada Fundatia „Noi strangeri de mana” s-a transformat intr-un centru de coordonare si legatura intre diverse organisme si asociatii ce au ca obiectiv sprijinirea etnicilor maghiari din Ardeal in procesul de dezvoltare a intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii. Pe aceasta linie a lansat o initiativa menita sa accelereze pe termen mediu si lung cooperarea activa intre agentii economici de acest gen, in scopul crearii unei „prime structuri a hungarismului”, care sa asigure exclusiv prosperitatea economica a comunitatii maghiare din Romania. In acest sens, conducerea fundatiei a transmis lista „Centrelor pentru dezvoltarea intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii” din Transilvania, cu indicatia de a se intensifica cooperarea pe plan local si regional, folosind cit mai eficient sprijinul financiar obtinut din partea oficialitatilor de la Budapesta si a diferitelor organisme europene specializate.
Totodata, au fost indicate organizatiile si persoanele din Budapesta si alte localitati ungare care pot acorda sprijin concret pentru facilitarea realizarii de contacte cu organismele respective, astfel:

– Academia „Europa“, Budapesta, str. Keleti Kasaly 25 B, telefon 1355346.
– Centrul de corespondenta „Euro-Info“, Budapesta, str. Dorottya nr. 4, telefon 1180051.
– Federatia pentru turism satesc in Europa Centrala si de Est, Budapesta, str. Szoboszlai nr. 2-4, telefon 1551857.
– Centrul intreprinzatorilor din judetul Baranya, cu sediul in Pécs, str. Rakoczi nr. 24-26.
– Fundatia „Progress“ din Szeged, str. Tisza Lajos, nr. 63, director executiv Benko Ferenc.

Pentru atingerea obiectivelor urmarite pe linia integrarii economice a Transilvaniei, in Ungaria functioneaza inca din 1996 Societatea comerciala „Cooperatio KFT“, infiintata exclusiv cu fonduri guvernamentale, care a initiat o serie de activitati comerciale si financiare in zone din Bazinul Carpatic locuite compact de etnici maghiari.
Beneficiind numai in 1997 de un capital declarat de 174.100.000 forinti, societatea respectiva a achizitionat parti semnificative din actiunile a 11 firme romanesti din Transilvania, considerate rentabile si corespunzatoare scopurilor urmarite de Budapesta, din care sunt amintite urmatoarele:

– Societatea „Alutus“ din Miercurea Ciuc, profilata pe editarea, publicarea si multiplicarea de carti, manuale si lucrari tehnice de specialitate. Actiunile acesteia sunt impartite astfel: 74% de Editura „Kriterion“ si 26% „Cooperatio KFT“.
– Firma „PIL-COOP“ din Gheorgheni, specializata in producerea si desfacerea produselor de panificatie, dispune de o retea proprie de 38 de mici magazine de desfacere in judetele Harghita si Mures, intreaga productie realizandu-se in exclusivitate cu faina importata din Ungaria. „Cooperatio KFT“ detine 52,08% din actiunile firmei.
– Fabrica de bere „Sugas“ din Sfantu Gheorghe, ale carei actiuni sunt detinute de „Cooperatio KFT“ (40%), alte firme din Ungaria (40%) si unii cetateni romani de etnie maghiara (20%). Pana in prezent Budapesta a sprijinit declansarea si functionarea proiectului „Sugas“ cu peste 15,5 milioane de forinti.

„Uniunea pentru apararea intereselor maghiare”

A fost constituita la 24 mai 1997 la Budapesta, ca organizatie neguvernamentala consacrata apararii intereselor comunitatii maghiare din afara granitelor si are ca scop sprijinirea redobandirii proprietatilor individuale si colective, precum si informarea structurilor europene specializate in problematica minoritatilor in legatura cu incalcarile drepturilor de natura patrimoniala ale etnicilor maghiari din tarile limitrofe Ungariei, indeosebi din Romania.
La 21 aprilie 1998 comitetul de conducere al „Uniunii pentru apararea intereselor maghiare” a anuntat ca va declansa ample actiuni pe plan national si international avand ca obiectiv, „recuperarea bunurilor ce apartin natiunii maghiare din Bazinul Carpatic”. Pe aceasta linie, s-a precizat ca se vor deschide „fronturi de actiune pentru ca maghiarii din teritoriile pierdute la Trianon sa-si recupereze proprietatile ce le apartin”, comitetul de conducere cerand revizuirea tratatelor de baza incheiate de Ungaria cu Ucraina, Slovacia si Romania, astfel incat viitoarele documente bilaterale sa contina prevederi si mecanisme concrete pentru despagubirea cetatenilor de etnie maghiara.
Din Transilvania sunt revendicate peste 1.500 de intreprinderi, ateliere si alte unitati de productie care au fost nationalizate de statul roman. De asemenea, sunt revendicate imobilele in care au functionat bisericile, arhivele, scolile, centrele culturale si etnografice maghiare din Ardeal . Multe dintre acestea au fost deja obtinute, o mare parte din procesele care tin de recuperarea acestor bunuri fiind dirijate catre tribunalul din Miercurea-Ciuc unde procesele sunt castigate foarte usor.

Uniunea Independenta „Baross Gabor”

Desi se intituleaza „uniune independenta”, in realitate este o structura specializata a „Uniunii Mondiale a Ungurilor”, creata in anul 1992 cu scopul de a infaptui politica neorevizionista a acestei organizatii in profil economic.
In luna iunie 1997, Klement Kornel, presedinte al Uniunii Independente „Baross Gabor”, intr-un interviu acordat ziarului „Napi Magyarorszag”, a mentionat ca scopul organizatiei pe care o conduce „este acela de a realiza o coeziune a intreprinzatorilor maghiari de pretutindeni, de a constitui organizatii nationale si locale, de a realiza un permanent schimb de informatii, de a face ca Budapesta sa devina un centru mondial al protectiei intereselor intreprinzatorilor maghiari”.
Cu prilejul „Forumului intreprinzatorilor maghiari din Bazinul Carpatic”, desfasurat in perioada 9-10 iunie 1997 la Nyiregyhaza, Bonis Lajos, secretarul general al Uniunii independente „Baross Gabor” a
apreciat ca „ofensiva in plan economic constituie o conditie primordiala a dainuirii maghiarimii din afara granitelor”.

„Uniunea mondiala a oamenilor de afaceri maghiari”

A fost infiintata in anul 1992 la Budapesta, cu statut de structura specializata a „Uniunii Mondiale a Ungurilor”.
Presedintele Uniunii, a precizat ca obiectul organizatiei pe care o conduce consta in refacerea unitatii si privilegiilor natiunii maghiare din Bazinul Carpatic prin actiuni in plan economico-financiar.
La inceputul anului 1998, impreuna cu Fondul international de investitii „Corvinus” Kft, a adoptat un program de consultanta si sprijin financiar pentru societati comerciale din nord-vestul Transilvaniei care se confrunta cu dificultati economice.
Initiativa are in vedere exclusiv firme ale unor etnici maghiari, cei interesati in obtinerea sprijinului din Ungaria trebuind sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii:
– sa fie de etnie maghiara, sa detina ca personal angajat maghiari in proportie de 95% si sa asigure comunicarea numai in limba maghiara, precum si inscriptionarea bilingva in societatea comerciala;
– intreaga activitate comerciala sau de productie sa se desfasoare exclusiv cu parteneri din Ungaria, iar in Romania sa sprijine preponderent societati maghiare.
Acorda imprumuturi in termeni foarte avantajosi, cu o dobanda relativ scazuta, iar pe perioada in care firma este debitoare trebuie sa accepte sa fie consiliata de reprezentantii fondului „Corvinus” Kft.
Anterior acordarii sumelor aferente creditului, operatiune ce se deruleaza prin intermediul filialei din Cluj-Napoca a „Pater Bank”, reprezentantii „Uniunii Mondiale a oamenilor de afaceri maghiari” si ai societatii „Corvinus” Kft. organizeaza intalniri atat cu patronii, cat si cu salariatii firmelor, prilejuri cu care sunt prezentate avantajele acestui sistem de intrajutorare pentru cresterea nivelului de dezvoltare economico-sociala a maghiarilor din Bazinul Carpatic, fapt menit sa asigure, in perspectiva, autonomia teritoriilor care au apartinut „Ungariei Mari”.

Informarea asupra activitatii HTMH

Ca urmare a reorganizarii activitatii de presa si informatii s-a intensificat semnificativ relatia HTMH cu mass-media. Prezentarea activitatii HTMH si a evenimentelor care privesc maghiarii din afara granitelor se face in cadrul unor conferinte de presa periodice. In cadrul Oficiului exista de asemenea un serviciu de informatii care asigura o activitate de „public relations” privitoare la problema minoritatii. In afara de comunicatele zilnice de presa, se redacteaza analize periodice referitoare la situatia minoritatilor maghiare din tarile vecine si la modul in care ea este reflectata in presa autohtona sau in cea maghiara din afara granitelor. Totodata, in prezent functioneaza un Club de Presa al HTMH, avand ca obiectiv realizarea unei mai bune cunoasteri a problemei de catre opinia publica.
HTMH editeaza saptamanal buletinul „Observer” in 45 de exemplare avand o difuzare restransa pentru:
– membrii comisiilor de politica externa si de aparare a Parlamentului de la Budapesta;
– cabinetul primului ministru ;
– sefii serviciilor secrete;
– conducerea M.A.E. de la Budapesta
Buletinele cuprind analize si evolutii semnificative ale evenimentelor de interes prioritar pentru maghiarii din Bazinul Carpatic.

Budapest strategy and tools for taking under control several areas of Romania

Recent events confirm the fact that most of the minority Magyars from Romania together with the new generation of “grofi” (rich Magyars who oppressed Romanians) were maneuvered to meet the goals of Budapest.

“The office of Magyars located outside Hungary” (HTMH or the Office) coordinates through a specific system the activity of all NGOs from outside Hungary, which are dedicated to Magyars problems and lead by “World Union of Hungarians” (UMU) as well as the activity  of several organizations and foundations („Pro-minority”, „Pro-profesione”, „Illyes Gyula”, „Teleki Laszlo”, „Duna-TV” etc.).

The office is currently initiating within Transylvania several propagandistic actions which present in a manner which is accepted by West, the claims of Magyar minority. This is the context in which autonomy and self-governing based on ethnic criteria is seen as “a possibility to decentralize local administration, which is specific to Carpaths basin”, and also the separating claims of the education are seen as “types of bilingualism practiced within democratic countries”.

The structures established by this office within neighboring countries where compact Magyar communities exist are interconnected at a computerized system to secure economics and media information, a system compatible with the Hungarian one, and the aim is to reestablish the connections between all regions of “Great Hungary”.

The new development of the Romanian-Hungarian relationships, considering the context of integration of Hungaria in NATO and EU, imposed to the officials from Budapest a reassessment of their methods and means of action, which have been used to meet European standards imposed for the relationships with neighboring countries and their commitments undertaken in front of Magyar communities from outside of Hungary.

Therefore, lately HTMH has intensified the pace of transferring their tasks of neo-revisionism to non-governmental organization from Hungary and to Western Magyar emigrants’ groups.

Thus, the roles and tasks of the Office increase, because it remained the only coordinator of Hungarian neo-revisionism actions towards neighboring countries and that caused discontent and discomfort within the leaders of the UMU who witness the derogation of one of their most valuable prerogatives (including, a substantial decrease of budget subsidies that were channeled to the Office).

Moreover, the new international status, imposed to Budapest to rethink its aims, to meet the requirements of European and Euro Atlantic organizations, and they decided that the organizations who were ensuring „de facto” a real autonomy in various fields like (education, local administration, religion, etc.) to be used mainly to create a frame that will allow a progressive incorporation of Transylvania within Hungary.

In fact, they want to support a growth of economic power of Magyars from this area and to use them to support the establishment of the autonomy systems, especially the territorial autonomy on ethnic criteria, which on its turn will allow a take over of economic power and then of the political one at local level.

The program developed by the Hungarian state, is applied by using both governmental and nongovernmental organizations, as well as by involving several state owned or private firms or banks. Some of the governmental organizations involved in this actions developed to subordinate from economic point of view Transylvania and coordinated by the Office are: Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environmental Protection ad Regional Development, Ministry of transport, Telecommunications and Water Management, Ministry of Finance and the institution of the minister without portfolio that deals with privatization issues.

The Office is applying its economic strategy towards Transylvania through its so-called nongovernmental organizations and among these the following Foundations are of high importance: „Noi strangeri de mana”(New Shaking Hands), „Illyes Gyula”, „Kooperatio KFT” Society and „Corvinus” Investment Fund.

Main nongovernmental organizations coordinated by the Office.

“World Union of Hungarians ” (U.M.U.).

This is the main nongovernmental organization of Hungarians throughout the world.

This organization has permanent institutionalized structures (UMU Office, The office that organizes world meetings of Magyars, “Conference of Mother Tongue”, „Szent László” Academy, „Hungarian Charity Services” Foundation, „Society for Hungarian Media from Outside Hungarya, etc., and their permanent 65 employees are paid from annual budgetary subsidies. They are actually controlling the activities developed by most of nongovernmental organizations from Hungary, the Magyar emigration and the Carpathian Basin that are dedicated to Magyars problems and issues.

At the end of 1995, the members of UMU exceded 1 million, having astablished almost 1500 organizations and subsidiaries in 52 countries; among these members approx. 5000 members are so-called “protectors” and among them there are 3 Nobel Prize winners (Teller Ede, George Olah and József Harsanyi).

The main goals of UMU are “intensification of actions targeting revision of Trianon and Paris Treaties, securing the territorial autonomy for Magyars from neighboring countries and reestablishment of Great Hungary”.

Organizations that agreed to adhere to UMU („Baross Gabor” Union, „Alliance for the protection of Magyars interests ”, „Bócskai Istvan” Association, „Trianon” Society, „World Union of Young Magyars” – Transylvania Branch, „World Union of Magyar Businessmen” etc.) intensified their actions targeting the rebuttal of international documents that have established that current borders, promoting their ideas on world’s history through the following papers: „Vilaglap”, „Magyar Figyelo”, „Erdelyi Magyarsag”, and „DunaTV”, a TV station together with all supporting lobby developed in the West.

Within current international politics, the UMU’s fundamental assignment, recently disclosed by its president, is to “pursue the psychological preparation of Magyars from regions that have belonged to the Crown of Saint Stephan for their re-integration within the borders of Millenary Hungary”.

Although their say that they are a nongovernmental independent organization, upon the request of the Budapest Government, UMU prepared a new strategy targeted to ensure the re-establishment of „Great Hungary” from economic point of view, a major role in meeting this goal is played by „Parliament of Ancient Nation”, established at Budapest in June 1996, with the support provided by the „World Union of Magyar Businessmen”, the management of the latter stating: „economic cooperation may and must become, considering  the upcoming European integration, an instrument to re-establish the unity of Magyar Nation by re-establishing former commercial relationships within Carpathian Basin ”.

Moreover, the Budapest’s Government is directly involved in coordination and control of the actions initiated by UMU, including through specific intelligence actions and through usage of financial means.

To ensure control of some of their partner organizations and branches, member of the leadership of UMU were imposed as local leaders to efficiently promote Budapest’s policy on Magyars located outside their borders.

Together with the Office, UMU coordinates the actions undertaken by all nongovernmental organizations, ensuring their subordination through strict management of their financial resources and their necessary logistics.

Taking advantage of the permissive Romanian legislation and together with the Magyars’ organizations from Romania, UMU established within Transylvania many local branches and encouraged the adheration to its structures of countless major organizations of Magyars, including political ones. Thus, their subordination and guidance process would have been completed.

To coordinate the actions developed by UMU at international level, a „Bureau of Foreign Relations” was established, and through this Bureau all lobby opportunities are undertaken both in America and Europe.

„Illyes Gyula” Foundation

This foundation was established in 1990, at Budapest, and its aim is „to support the social union of Magyar communities from neighboring countries”.

In 14.09.1994, the foundation established at Cluj-Napoca „ Magyar Sub-curator from Romania”, with 7 special committees lead by experts from various economic fields.

The actions to logistically and financially support the Transylvanian Magyars by the „Illyes Gyula” Foundation are highly confidential and developed at headquarters where communication devices may be detected at all times.

International Union of Magyar Businessmen

It was established in 1992 at Budapest, following the strategic plan to economically integrate the areas inhabited by Magyars from neighboring countries. Its sole assignment was to provide support to the Magyar businessmen from Central and Eastern Europe and is coordinated by UMU.

The purpose was to create an economic infrastructure together with the state one by establishing „clubs, associations and forums of Magyar businessmen”, within main cities of Transylvania.

„World Union of Magyar Engineers and Constructors”

It is headquartered in Budapest and functions under the patronage of U.M.U.

During 1990, it has established a branch at Cluj-Napoca, called „Magyar Technical-Scientific Society from Transylvania”, with the aim „to create a database that will allow establishment of connections between professional associations of Magyars”.

„ Magyar Association of Economics”

The association was established at Budapest in 1990, it is coordinated by UMU and by the Office and its main goals are to train the future Magyar economics specialists, to collect data, and to conduct special studies within  areas inhabited by Magyars, as well as to identify branches, sectors and business that may be „incorporated within Hungarian economy”.

In 1990 it has established a branch at Cluj-Napoca, namely „Association of Magyar Economists from Romania”.

“National Union of Magyar Householders”

It was established at Budapest in 1990 and it aim is „to develop, including by securing western financial support, of agricultural sector from Transylvania by imposing Hungarian agricultural organizations and by adapting agricultural education to the traditional Magyar models ”.

It has a branch at Cluj-Napoca: „Association of Magyar Householder from Romania”, which in its turn has several local branches established within major cities of Transylvania.

“New Shaking Hands” Foundation (Uj Kezfogas)

It was established in April 1995 at Budapest, and wants to fund commercial activities of Magyar business and firms from Transylvania, to develop a system of economic partnership between small and medium size enterprises from boundary areas, to organize fairs, exhibits, reunions of specialists and to fund a bank of economics and banking  data.

Foundation provides non-returnable support up to US$500,000 to acquire equipments, buildings or other assets, and grants credits up to US$1,250,000 to establish joint companies with an “ethnic” character, i.e. “Hungarian-Magyars” (Hungarians and Magyars are one and the same).

Lately the foundation changed into a center of coordination and connection between several organizations and associations that target provision of support to Magyars from Ardeal (Transylvania) to develop small and medium size enterprises. They have launched an initiative that targets to accelerate on medium and long term active cooperation between these businessmen, in order to create a “first structure of Hungarians”, that will exclusively ensure the economic wealth of Magyar community from Romania. The Foundation’s management sent the list of “Centers for the development of small and medium size enterprises” from Transylvania, assigning the task of intensifying local and regional cooperation, using as efficiently possible the funds secured from Budapest officials and from different European funding organizations.

At the same time, they emphasized the organizations and individuals from Budapest and from other Hungarian towns that may provide concrete support to facilitate contacts with the respective organizations, as follows:

– The “Europa“ Academy, Budapest, 25 B, Keleti Kasaly Street, telephone 1355346.

– “Euro-Info” Correspondence Center, Budapest, 4, Dorottya Street, telephone 1180051.

– Federation of Village Tourism within Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest, 2-4, Szoboszlai Street, telephone 1551857.

– The Center of Businessmen from Baranya County, headquartered in Pécs Town, 24-26, Rakoczi Street.

– “Progress” Foundation from Szeged, 63,Tisza Lajos Street, Benko Ferenc, Executive Director.

To meet their goals of economic integration of Transylvania, since 1996 a Company called “Cooperatio KFT” was established in Hungary. This company was established exclusively with governmental funding, and has initiated several commercial and financial activities within Carpathian Basin, in areas mainly inhabited by Magyars.

The respective company had in 1997 of a declared capital of Forint 174,100,000, and acquired shares of 11 Romanian companies from Transylvania, believed to be economic and compliant with the aims of Budapest. (Forint-Hungarian currency)

The respective companies are set forth below:

– “Alutus“, a company from City of Miercurea Ciuc – edits, publishes and copies books, handbooks, and technical papers. Its shares are divided as follows:  74% of the shares are hold by “Kriterion” Publishing House and 26% by „Cooperatio KFT“.

– “PIL-COOP”, a company from City of Gheorgheni – produces and sells bakery products, with a network of 38 small grocery stores established within Harghita and Mures Counties. Its sole production is based on flour imported from Hungary. „Cooperatio KFT“ holds 52.08% of the shares.

– “Sugas” Beer Brewery from City of Sfantu Gheorghe, 40% of the shares is hold by  „Cooperatio KFT“, 40% of the shares by other Hungarian firms and the remaining 20% of the shares by several Romanian citizens of Magyar origins. To date, Budapest supported the initiation and development of “Sugas” Project with over Forint 15.5 million.

“Union for the protection of Magyars interests”

It was established in 24th of May 1997 at Budapest, as a nongovernmental organization that wants to protect the interests of Magyars located outside Hungary boundaries and to regain individual and collective properties, as well as notification of European specialized structures on the issues of minorities, on the breaches of patrimonial rights of Magyars from neighboring countries, especially from Romania.

At 21st of April 1998, the steering committee of this union announced that it will initiate ample actions both at national and international level targeting “repossession of the assets of Magyar nation from Carpathian Basin”. On this they have stated that they “will open fronts of actions so that the Magyars from the areas lost after conclusion of Trianon Treaty, will recover their rightful lands”. The steering committee requested the revision of base treaties concluded by Hungary with Ukraine, Slovakia and Romania, so that future bilateral documents incorporate provisions and concrete methods to compensate the Magyars.

1,500 companies, shops and other business nationalized by Romania are claimed in Transylvania. Moreover, the buildings where Magyar churches, archives, schools and cultural and ethnic centers have function are also claimed. Many have already been recovered, and most of the trials on this issue are judged by the Miercurea-Ciuc Tribunal, where trials are easily won.

“Baross Gabor” Independent Union

Although they claim that they are independent, the truth is that they are in fact a specialized structure of UMU established in 1992 in order to accomplish neo-revisionist policy at economic levels.

During June 1997, Klement Kornel, president of “Baross Gabor” Indipendent Union was interviewed bt “Napi Magyarorszag” newspaper and stated that the purpose of its organization is “to create a cohesion of Magyars businessmen from all over the world, to establish national and local organizations, to establish a continuous exchange of information, to make Budapest the world’s center of protection Magyars businessmen interests”.

At the “Forum of Magyars Businessmen from Carpathian Basin ”, developed between 9 and 10 of june 1997 at Nyiregyhaza, Bonis Lajos, general secretary of „Baross Gabor” Union said that “the offensive at economic level is primary condition for continuance of Magyars outside Hungary”.

World Union of Magyar Businessmen

It was established in 1992 at Budapest, being a specialized structure of UMU.

Its president stated that their aim is to re-establish the unity and privileges of Magyar nations within Carpathian Basin by acting at economic and financial level.

At the beginning of 1998, together with “Corvinus Kft” Trust Fund, it adopted a consultancy and financial support program of Transylvanian companies that are facing financial difficulties.

This initiative targets exclusively firms hold by Magyars and individuals interested in securing Hungary’s support must meet the following conditions:

  • to be Magyars, to have 95% of their employees of Magyar origin, to ensure communication only in Magyar language as well as bilingual signs must be posted within their company;

  • the entire economic activity must be developed exclusively in partnership with Hungarian parties, and within Romania they must support mainly Magyar companies and firms;

They grant loans at very good rates, with a low interest, and during the development of the loan they must accept counseling of the representatives of “Corvinus” Kft.

Prior to granting loans, which are granted through Cluj-Napoca branch of „Pater Bank”, the representatives of the Union and of the „Corvinus” Kft. Organize meetings with the businessmen and their employees to present the advantages of this system that allows the economic and social development of Magyars from Carpathian Basin. This will subsequently allow autonomy of the territories previously conquered by “Great Hungary”.

Information service of HTMH activity

Following the reorganization of media activity, the relation of the Office with the media intensified. HTMH activity and the events related to Magyars located outside Hungary are presented during periodic press conferences. An information service exists within the Office that ensures a „public relations” activity on minority issues. Apart from daily press releases, periodic analyses are prepared on the Magyar minority status within neighboring countries and the way in which it is reflected within native or Hungarian local press. Moreover, currently a Press Club of HTMH functions, which targets a better knowledge of the public opinion on this issue.

HTMH weekly edits the „Observer” Bulletin, in 45 copies with an enclosed dissemination for:

  • members of foreign policy committees of Budapest Parliament

  • Prime Minister Cabinet

  • Heads of Secret Services

  • Leadership of Budapest’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Bulletins include analyses and significant evolutions of primary events related to Magyars within the Carpathian Basin.

Original source RGN Press / 2006

Budapest strategy and tools for controlling several areas of Romania


10 March 2006
Source: www.

Romanian  Global  News  entered  in  the  possession  of  and  analysis  regarding  the  way  in
which  Budapest  created  its  own  powerful  tools  that  may  create  the  possibility  of  an  instable
environment  of  the  region,  and  that  may  allow  them  to  take  over  from  economic  and  political

the  new  generation  of  “grofi”  (rich  Magyars  who  oppressed  Romanians)  were  maneuvered  to
meet the goals of Budapest.

“The office of Magyars located outside Hungary” (HTMH or the Office) coordinates through
a specific system the activity of all NGOs from outside Hungary, which are dedicated to Magyars
problems and lead by “World Union of Hungarians” (UMU) as well as the activity of several
organizations and foundations (Pro-minority, Pro-profesione, Illyes Gyula, Teleki Laszlo, Duna-
TV etc.).

The office is currently initiating within Transylvania several propagandistic actions which
present in a manner which is accepted by West, the claims of Magyar minority. This is
the context in which autonomy and self-governing based on ethnic criteria is seen as “a
possibility to decentralize local administration, which is specific to Carpaths basin”, and also
the separating claims of the education are seen as “types of bilingualism practiced within
democratic countries”.

The structures established by this office within neighboring countries where compact Magyar
communities exist are interconnected at a computerized system to secure economics and media
information, a system compatible with the Hungarian one, and the aim is to reestablish the
connections between all regions of “Great Hungary”.

The new development of the Romanian-Hungarian relationships, considering the context of
integration of Hungaria in NATO and EU, imposed to the officials from Budapest a reassessment

of their methods and means of action, which have been used to meet European standards
imposed for the relationships with neighboring countries and their commitments undertaken in
front of Magyar communities from outside of Hungary.

Therefore, lately HTMH has intensified the pace of transferring their tasks of neo-revisionism to
non-governmental organization from Hungary and to Western Magyar emigrants’ groups.

Thus, the roles and tasks of the Office increase, because it remained the only coordinator of
Hungarian neo-revisionism actions towards neighboring countries and that caused discontent
and discomfort within the leaders of the UMU who witness the derogation of one of their most
valuable prerogatives (including, a substantial decrease of budget subsidies that were channeled
to the Office).

Moreover, the new international status, imposed to Budapest to rethink its aims, to meet
the requirements of European and Euro Atlantic organizations, and they decided that the
organizations who were ensuring de facto a real autonomy in various fields like (education,
local administration, religion, etc.) to be used mainly to create a frame that will allow a
progressive incorporation of Transylvania within Hungary.

In fact, they want to support a growth of economic power of Magyars from this area and to use
them to support the establishment of the autonomy systems, especially the territorial autonomy
on ethnic criteria, which on its turn will allow a take over of economic power and then of the
political one at local level.

The program developed by the Hungarian state, is applied by using both governmental and
nongovernmental organizations, as well as by involving several state owned or private firms or
banks. Some of the governmental organizations involved in this actions developed to subordinate
from economic point of view Transylvania and coordinated by the Office are: Ministry of
Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environmental Protection
ad Regional Development, Ministry of transport, Telecommunications and Water Management,
Ministry of Finance and the institution of the minister without portfolio that deals with
privatization issues.

The Office is applying its economic strategy towards Transylvania through its so-called
nongovernmental organizations and among these the following Foundations are of high
importance: Noi strangeri de mana(New Shaking Hands), Illyes Gyula, Kooperatio KFT Society
and Corvinus Investment Fund.

Main nongovernmental organizations coordinated by the Office.

“World Union of Hungarians (U.M.U.).
This is the main nongovernmental organization of Hungarians throughout the world.
This organization has permanent institutionalized structures (UMU Office, The office that
organizes world meetings of Magyars, “Conference of Mother Tongue”, Szent László Academy,
Hungarian Charity Services Foundation, Society for Hungarian Media from Outside Hungarya,
etc., and their permanent 65 employees are paid from annual budgetary subsidies. They are

actually controlling the activities developed by most of nongovernmental organizations from
Hungary, the Magyar emigration and the Carpathian Basin that are dedicated to Magyars
problems and issues.

At the end of 1995, the members of UMU exceded 1 million, having astablished almost 1500
organizations and subsidiaries in 52 countries; among these members approx. 5000 members
are so-called “protectors” and among them there are 3 Nobel Prize winners (Teller Ede, George
Olah and József Harsanyi).

The main goals of UMU are “intensification of actions targeting revision of Trianon and
Paris Treaties, securing the territorial autonomy for Magyars from neighboring countries and
reestablishment of Great Hungary”.

Organizations that agreed to adhere to UMU (Baross Gabor Union, Alliance for the protection
of Magyars interests , Bócskai Istvan Association, Trianon Society, World Union of Young
Magyars” – Transylvania Branch, World Union of Magyar Businessmen etc.) intensified their
actions targeting the rebuttal of international documents that have established that current
borders, promoting their ideas on world’s history through the following papers: Vilaglap,
Magyar Figyelo, Erdelyi Magyarsag, and DunaTV, a TV station together with all supporting
lobby developed in the West.

Within current international politics, the UMU’s fundamental assignment, recently disclosed
by its president, is to “pursue the psychological preparation of Magyars from regions that have
belonged to the Crown of Saint Stephan for their re-integration within the borders of Millenary

Although their say that they are a nongovernmental independent organization, upon the
request of the Budapest Government, UMU prepared a new strategy targeted to ensure the
re-establishment of Great Hungary from economic point of view, a major role in meeting this
goal is played by Parliament of Ancient Nation, established at Budapest in June 1996, with the
support provided by the World Union of Magyar Businessmen, the management of the latter
stating: economic cooperation may and must become, considering the upcoming European
integration, an instrument to re-establish the unity of Magyar Nation by re-establishing former
commercial relationships within Carpathian Basin .

Moreover, the Budapest’s Government is directly involved in coordination and control of the
actions initiated by UMU, including through specific intelligence actions and through usage of
financial means.
To ensure control of some of their partner organizations and branches, member of the leadership
of UMU were imposed as local leaders to efficiently promote Budapest’s policy on Magyars
located outside their borders.

Together with the Office, UMU coordinates the actions undertaken by all nongovernmental
organizations, ensuring their subordination through strict management of their financial
resources and their necessary logistics.

Taking advantage of the permissive
organizations from Romania, UMU
and encouraged the adheration to its
including political ones. Thus, their

To coordinate the actions developed by UMU at international level, a Bureau of Foreign
Relations was established, and through this Bureau all lobby opportunities are undertaken both
in America and Europe.

Illyes Gyula Foundation
This foundation was established in 1990, at Budapest, and its aim is to support the social union
of Magyar communities from neighboring countries.
In 14.09.1994, the foundation established at Cluj-Napoca Magyar Sub-curator from Romania,
with 7 special committees lead by experts from various economic fields.

The actions to logistically and financially support the Transylvanian Magyars by the Illyes
Gyula Foundation are highly confidential and developed at headquarters where communication
devices may be detected at all times.

International Union of Magyar Businessmen
It was established in 1992 at Budapest, following the strategic plan to economically integrate
the areas inhabited by Magyars from neighboring countries. Its sole assignment was to provide
support to the Magyar businessmen from Central and Eastern Europe and is coordinated by

The purpose was to create an economic infrastructure together with the state one by establishing
clubs, associations and forums of Magyar businessmen, within main cities of Transylvania.

World Union of Magyar Engineers and Constructors
It is headquartered in Budapest and functions under the patronage of U.M.U.

During 1990, it has established a branch at Cluj-Napoca, called Magyar Technical-Scientific
Society from Transylvania, with the aim to create a database that will allow establishment of
connections between professional associations of Magyars.
Magyar Association of Economics
The association was established at Budapest in 1990, it is coordinated by UMU and by the
Office and its main goals are to train the future Magyar economics specialists, to collect
data, and to conduct special studies within areas inhabited by Magyars, as well as to identify
branches, sectors and business that may be incorporated within Hungarian economy.

In 1990 it has established a branch at Cluj-Napoca, namely Association of Magyar Economists
from Romania.

“National Union of Magyar Householders”
It was established at Budapest in 1990 and it aim is to develop, including by securing western

Romanian legislation and together with the Magyars’
established within Transylvania many local branches
structures of countless major organizations of Magyars,
subordination and guidance process would have been

financial support, of agricultural sector from Transylvania by imposing Hungarian agricultural
organizations and by adapting agricultural education to the traditional Magyar models .

It has a branch at Cluj-Napoca: Association of Magyar Householder from Romania, which in its
turn has several local branches established within major cities of Transylvania.

“New Shaking Hands Foundation (Uj Kezfogas)
It was established in April 1995 at Budapest, and wants to fund commercial activities of Magyar
business and firms from Transylvania, to develop a system of economic partnership between
small and medium size enterprises from boundary areas, to organize fairs, exhibits, reunions of
specialists and to fund a bank of economics and banking data.

Foundation provides non-returnable support up to US$500,000 to acquire equipments, buildings
or other assets, and grants credits up to US$1,250,000 to establish joint companies with
an “ethnic” character, i.e. “Hungarian-Magyars” (Hungarians and Magyars are one and the

Lately the foundation changed into a center of coordination and connection between several
organizations and associations that target provision of support to Magyars from Ardeal
(Transylvania) to develop small and medium size enterprises. They have launched an
initiative that targets to accelerate on medium and long term active cooperation between these
businessmen, in order to create a “first structure of Hungarians”, that will exclusively ensure
the economic wealth of Magyar community from Romania. The Foundation’s management sent
the list of “Centers for the development of small and medium size enterprises from Transylvania,
assigning the task of intensifying local and regional cooperation, using as efficiently possible the
funds secured from Budapest officials and from different European funding organizations.
At the same time, they emphasized the organizations and individuals from Budapest and
from other Hungarian towns that may provide concrete support to facilitate contacts with the
respective organizations, as follows:
– The “Europa“ Academy, Budapest, 25 B, Keleti Kasaly Street, telephone 1355346.

– “Euro-Info” Correspondence Center, Budapest, 4, Dorottya Street, telephone 1180051.

– Federation of Village Tourism within Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest, 2-4, Szoboszlai
Street, telephone 1551857.

– The Center of Businessmen from Baranya County, headquartered in Pécs Town, 24-26, Rakoczi

– “Progress” Foundation from Szeged, 63,Tisza Lajos Street, Benko Ferenc, Executive Director.

To meet their goals of economic integration of Transylvania, since 1996 a Company
called “Cooperatio KFT” was established in Hungary. This company was established
exclusively with governmental funding, and has initiated several commercial and financial
activities within Carpathian Basin, in areas mainly inhabited by Magyars.

The respective company had in 1997 of a declared capital of Forint 174,100,000, and acquired
shares of 11 Romanian companies from Transylvania, believed to be economic and compliant
with the aims of Budapest. (Forint-Hungarian currency)

The respective companies are set forth below:

– “Alutus“, a company from City of Miercurea Ciuc – edits, publishes and copies books,
handbooks, and technical papers. Its shares are divided as follows: 74% of the shares are hold
by “Kriterion” Publishing House and 26% by „Cooperatio KFT“.

– “PIL-COOP”, a company from City of Gheorgheni – produces and sells bakery products, with
a network of 38 small grocery stores established within Harghita and Mures Counties. Its sole
production is based on flour imported from Hungary. „Cooperatio KFT“ holds 52.08% of the

– “Sugas” Beer Brewery from City of Sfantu Gheorghe, 40% of the shares is hold by
„Cooperatio KFT“, 40% of the shares by other Hungarian firms and the remaining 20% of
the shares by several Romanian citizens of Magyar origins. To date, Budapest supported the
initiation and development of “Sugas” Project with over Forint 15.5 million.

“Union for the protection of Magyars interests”
It was established in 24th of May 1997 at Budapest, as a nongovernmental organization that
wants to protect the interests of Magyars located outside Hungary boundaries and to regain
individual and collective properties, as well as notification of European specialized structures
on the issues of minorities, on the breaches of patrimonial rights of Magyars from neighboring
countries, especially from Romania.

At 21st of April 1998, the steering committee of this union announced that it will initiate ample
actions both at national and international level targeting “repossession of the assets of Magyar
nation from Carpathian Basin”. On this they have stated that they “will open fronts of actions
so that the Magyars from the areas lost after conclusion of Trianon Treaty, will recover their
rightful lands”. The steering committee requested the revision of base treaties concluded by
Hungary with Ukraine, Slovakia and Romania, so that future bilateral documents incorporate
provisions and concrete methods to compensate the Magyars.

1,500 companies, shops and other business nationalized by Romania are claimed in
Transylvania. Moreover, the buildings where Magyar churches, archives, schools and cultural
and ethnic centers have function are also claimed. Many have already been recovered, and most
of the trials on this issue are judged by the Miercurea-Ciuc Tribunal, where trials are easily

“Baross Gabor” Independent Union
Although they claim that they are independent, the truth is that they are in fact a specialized
structure of UMU established in 1992 in order to accomplish neo-revisionist policy at economic

During June 1997, Klement Kornel, president of “Baross Gabor” Indipendent Union was
interviewed bt “Napi Magyarorszag newspaper and stated that the purpose of its organization
is “to create a cohesion of Magyars businessmen from all over the world, to establish national
and local organizations, to establish a continuous exchange of information, to make Budapest
the world’s center of protection Magyars businessmen interests.

At the “Forum of Magyars Businessmen from Carpathian Basin , developed between 9 and 10 of
june 1997 at Nyiregyhaza, Bonis Lajos, general secretary of Baross Gabor Union said that “the
offensive at economic level is primary condition for continuance of Magyars outside Hungary”.

World Union of Magyar Businessmen
It was established in 1992 at Budapest, being a specialized structure of UMU.

Its president stated that their aim is to re-establish the unity and privileges of Magyar nations
within Carpathian Basin by acting at economic and financial level.

At the beginning of 1998, together with “Corvinus Kft” Trust Fund, it adopted a consultancy and
financial support program of Transylvanian companies that are facing financial difficulties.
This initiative targets exclusively firms hold by Magyars and individuals interested in securing
Hungary’s support must meet the following conditions:

– to be Magyars, to have 95% of their employees of Magyar origin, to ensure
communication only in Magyar language as well as bilingual signs must be posted within
their company;
– the entire economic activity must be developed exclusively in partnership with Hungarian
parties, and within Romania they must support mainly Magyar companies and firms;

They grant loans at very good rates, with a low interest, and during the development of the loan
they must accept counseling of the representatives of “Corvinus” Kft.

Prior to granting loans, which are granted through Cluj-Napoca branch of Pater Bank, the
representatives of the Union and of the Corvinus Kft. Organize meetings with the businessmen
and their employees to present the advantages of this system that allows the economic and social
development of Magyars from Carpathian Basin. This will subsequently allow autonomy of the
territories previously conquered by “Great Hungary”.

Information service of HTMH activity
Following the reorganization of media activity, the relation of the Office with the media
intensified. HTMH activity and the events related to Magyars located outside Hungary are
presented during periodic press conferences. An information service exists within the Office that
ensures a public relations activity on minority issues. Apart from daily press releases, periodic
analyses are prepared on the Magyar minority status within neighboring countries and the way
in which it is reflected within native or Hungarian local press. Moreover, currently a Press Club
of HTMH functions, which targets a better knowledge of the public opinion on this issue.
HTMH weekly edits the Observer Bulletin, in 45 copies with an enclosed dissemination for:
– members of foreign policy committees of Budapest Parliament
– Prime Minister Cabinet

Heads of Secret Services
Leadership of Budapest’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Bulletins include analyses and significant evolutions of primary events related to Magyars within
the Carpathian Basin.

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